What is Initial Public Offering?
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What is an Initial Public Offering (IPO) in India?
Companies/Firms Make Public Offers for Capitalization
Companies go Public to Reap Umpteen Benefits:
IPO Stands for Inital Public Offering. IPO is nothing but the process of selling shares of a company to public in stock market. The purpose of an IPO is to generate funds from public for the development of the company.
Who can apply for an IPO?
Any one who has a demat account can apply for the IPO.
How many shares can I buy through an IPO?
Interested candidates have to buy the share in multiples of lot size. Lot size will be declared by the ‘company at the time of notification. You have to buy minimum of 1 lot to participate in the IPO.
The allotment process is carried out in lottery system.
Initial Public Offering: IPO is known as an initial public offering, where in the companies sell shares of a company to raise the capital.
The shares are sold to individuals and institutional investors. The company can raise capital to seek new equity or even expand the trading operations of the existing holdings.
Whenever an IPO is released in the open market in a colloquial sense it is known as free float. Through the process of allowing investors and retailers into the company’s fold the floating or opening to the markets the privately held companies transform to a public company.
The shares in the IPOs are offered to three categories…
How an IPO works in India
An IPO, or Initial Public Offering, is like a selling shares of a company in the stock market. Whenever the company decides to share its ownership/ shares with the public for the first time it offers IPO.
The company’s partnership divides into small pieces called shares, and the management decides how many pieces to sell, how much percentage to sell, and at what price.
The company also decides price of the share offered.
People who are interested in investing in that particular company can buy these shares at the set price in the given period of time.
The money raised from selling of these shares goes to the company, and utilized to grow the company or to clear the debts.
After the IPO allotment, these shares can be bought and sold by anyone in the stock market.